諾冠NORGREN電磁提升閥,8392900.8171.024.00consider the failure modes of all component parts used in fluid powersystems and to provide adequate safeguards to prevent personal injury ordamage to equipment
These products are intended for use in industrial compressed air
systems only. Do not use these products where pressures and temperatures
can exceed those listed under ‘Technical Data’.
Before using these products with fluids other than those specified, for
non-industrial applications, life-support systems, or other applications not
within published specifications, consult Norgren.
BL64-208, FL64-208 GÊ 74504-50 18-013-013 T64T-2GB-P1N 4355-50 18-011-024
BL64-308, FL64-308 GÁ 74504-50 18-013-013 T64T-3GB-P1N 4355-50 18-011-024
BL64-408, FL64-408 GË 74504-50 18-013-013 T64T-4GB-P1N 4355-50 18-011-024
BL64-608, FL64-608 GÈ 74504-50 18-013-013 T64T-6GB-P1N 4355-50 18-011-024
BL68-608, FL68-608 G3/4 18-001-979 18-013-013 T68C-6GB-B2N 4355-50 18-011-021
BL68-808, FL68-808 G1 18-001-979 18-013-013 T68C-8GB-B2N 4355-50 18-011-021
BL68-A08, FL68-A08 G1Ê 18-001-978 18-013-013 T68C-AGB-B2N 4355-50 18-011-021
Through misuse, age, or malfunction, components used in fluid power
systems can fail in various modes. The system designer is warned to
consider the failure modes of all component parts used in fluid power
systems and to provide adequate safeguards to prevent personal injury or
damage to equipment in the event of such failure.
System designers must provide a warning to end users in the
system instructional manual if protection against a failure mode
cannot be adequay provided.
System designers and end users are cautioned to review specific
warnings found in instruction sheets packed and shipped with these